The knee joint is the point where the thigh bone or the femur joins to the shin bones, also known as tibia and fibula
The bone to the front of the knee is called the patella and is often known as the knee cap. The knee joint is the largest joint in the body and is a very complex joint that is very susceptible to various sporting and non sporting injuries, also degenerative arthritis, as it is a major weight bearing joint.
The tibia and fibula bones of the shin are the point of attachment of many muscles that originate higher in the thigh area and also muscles that pass down into the foot. Some of the muscles of the shin such as the tibialis posterior and tibialis anterior have a profound action at the level of the foot, for example, excessive inwards rolling or flattening of the feet can cause pain in the region of the shins. This pain is often referred to as shin splints.
Recommended Services (what shall I do next?)
If you are experiencing problems in these regions it is important that you seek professional help, our recommended assessments for these conditions are: