At Feet in Focus we are able to offer a comprehensive range of podiatry and musculoskeletal services tailored to your exact needs.
We offer an efficient assessment and reporting process for medico-legal cases and commercial business in addition to our routine private referrals from GPs, consultants and other allied health professionals.
If you are considering referring your clients or patients to a podiatrist for a range of podiatric needs you will be reassured to know that our podiatrists at Feet in Focus have over 11 years of experience providing a high level of podiatric care. We currently work in partnership with a range of solicitors and claim management companies providing expert witness and medico-legal advice in addition to receiving a large range of medical referrals from GPs, orthopaedic surgeons, occupational therapists and physiotherapists.
Key Benefits of referring to Feet in Focus
- Experienced HCPC registered podiatrists with over 11 years of practicing podiatric experience.
- Proven track records for delivery of medico-legal and expert witness reports for reputable companies such as Leo Abse and Cohen, Ross Aldridge Solicitors, Mobile Doctors, UK Independant Medical, Speed Medical Proclaim Care and IPRS.
- Our podiatrists fully comply with part 35, practice direction 35 and the CJC protocol for the instruction of expert witnesses(italics better?). We have completed expert witness training with Bond Solon.
- We hold expert witness insurance.
- We offer and have experience with a comprehensive range of podiatry and musculoskeletal assessments and treatment, including full body objective video gait analysis. This therefore places us in an ideal position to assess any foot, ankle, lower limb or postural complaint and to provide a full range of treatment options along with an objective factual report.
- Detailed reporting process (if necessary), which can include the production of full colour pictures of our sophisicated video gait analysis.
- Ability to schedule appointments within a 7-14 days period, with provision of full report within 7 days if necessary.
Recommended treatments / What to do next?
1. Premium Biomechanical Assessment, our 90 minute musculosketal assessment including vide gait analysis.
If you wish to book a patient or client in for a podiatry assessment at Feet in Focus, please get in touch via email, by filling in our quick online referral form, by telephoning our reception or by sending full instructions to our postal address together with any previous expert witness reports already completed.
Files such as PDF documents and word files can also be email to the clinic.
Common Injuries Assessed and Reported on
- Road traffic incidents, car and motorcycle.
- Trips and falls as result of council or local authority negligence.