Back pain is a common problem that affects the majority of people at some point in their life, you will however be glad to find out that most cases of back pain aren’t caused by serious damage or disease and will often settle down with activity modification, specific exercise regimes and physical therapy or mechanical therapy such as foot orthotics
The hip is the region of the body where the femur or thigh bone connects to the pelvis or hip bone; as it is a major weight bearing joint it is often affected by degenerative arthritis. The joint is the largest ball and socket joint in the body and is the most frequent joint in the body to be replaced with an artificial joint. Painful problems in this area can involve the joint itself as seen in arthritic hip disease, bursitis and injuries to the surrounding muscles and soft tissues.
If you are experiencing reoccurring problems with your back or body posture a podiatric biomechanical assessment can be useful to find out the possible causes of your pains. Common causes of back pain can be flattening of the feet often called overpronation, differences in the length of the limbs, and poor muscle strength and flexibility.
Recommended Services (what shall I do next?)
If you are experiencing musculoskeletal pains in your back, hips or throughout your body it is important that you seek professional help to find out the cause of your pains. Our recommended assessments for these conditions are:
1. Biomechanical Assessment with video gait analysis