Treatment Price / Duration of Appointment (from April 2024)

TreatmentPrice / Duration of appointment
Routine Podiatry (Chiropody)

Many podiatry clinics offer 20 minute appointments, our appointments are up to 30 minutes, you therefore have extra treatment time with our podiatrists.

New Patient £49.50 / up to 30min Reviews £46.50 / 30min
Consultation with Podiatrist (Musculoskeletal Assessment)

Assessment & treatment of bone, soft tissue, joint and postural problems. No Gait analysis.

£56.50 / 30 minutes
Biomechanical (Standard) Assessment with video gait analysis.£125 / 60 minutes
Biomechanical (Premium) Assessment with video gait analysis.£175 / 90 minutes
Running Gait Analysis£120 / 60 minutes
 Toenail Surgery Packages for painful ingrowing nails (assessment, surgery & 3 reviews)From £450 / 5 appointments
Verrucae TreatmentFrom £49.50 / 15-30 minutes
Verrucae Needling (assessment, treatment & review package)From 375 / 3 appointments
Paediatric (Child) Consultation with a Podiatrist£56.50 / 30 minutes
Foot OrthoticsFrom £50
Diabetic Assessment & Routine Treatment (including report)£56.50
Biomechanical Assessment Review£45-55 / 30 minutes
Steroid InjectionsFrom £95 / 30- 45 minutes
Private antibiotic prescription£25-40
Fungal Nail Testing (results within 5 minutes)£45 (including referral letter)
Medico-legal assessment from £120-240 / 60-120 minutes
Medico-Legal reportsfrom £150-200 / 60 minutes

Please telephone our friendly reception if you wish to find out any further information on treatments and prices.

Please note charges may differ from the prices listed above if the treatment is paid by your insurance company or intermediary.